All your orgs in one place.
Most Salesforce tools only allow you to operate on a single org. We found this to be frustrating, so instead we let you setup as many Salesforce orgs as you’d like in FuseKit®, and easily switch between them while using the app.

Your Salesforce data at your fingertips.
Getting the data you need out of Salesforce can be a hassle. Our powerful point-and-click query tool will help you retrieve records and metadata, even allowing you to pull data from objects linked through five levels of relationships.

Powerful data loading capabilities.
Upload data to a single object, or upload data for several different objects at once, saving you from manually creating relationships. For example, load all of your Products and PriceBookEntries with a single load and Salesforce will create the relationships for you.

Quickly find differences in your Salesforce orgs.
Instantly gain confidence in your deployments by comparing Objects (including picklist values on fields), Records, Metadata, and Apex code between Salesforce orgs.

The list goes on...
Deploy External IDs
Easily create External IDs on multiple objects, specifying profile information, and populating data for the fields in the source org.
Generate Package Files
Use a point-and-click editor to build a custom Package.xml and download the metadata as a zip file for deployment.
Deploy/Retrieve Metadata
Use a Package.xml file to quickly retrieve zipped metadata from one org and deploy it to another.
Bulk Update Records
Populate a field on many records at once or just force update records in bulk.
Create New Fields
With a few clicks create dozens of new fields and deploy them across multiple objects.
Run Rich Reports
Generate detailed Salesforce object reports. These save hours during data mapping.
Just wanted to shoot you a quick note about FuseKit. Seriously - well done with this. I'm having a hard time even submitting additional feedback because damn near everything was already thought of and built out in the product. It's starting to become an indispensable part of my day; I used to live in Workbench and haven't touched it since I got access to FuseKit.
Tom Kline, Director of Business Systems